Pocket Colorimeter II Teskit Hach
Chlorine (Free & Total), and pH,
Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit
� Pocket Colorimeter II Analysis System containing DPD Chlorine and
colorimetric Phenol Red pH
� * Ranges: 0.1 to 10.0 mg/L as Cl2 and 6.0 to 8.5 pH
� Reagent set (100 tests free chlorine, 100 tests total chlorine, 100 tests
� Includes manual and carrying case
� Replaces PN 4670012 - Chlorine and pH Pocket Colorimeter and PN
4110022 - DR/100 Chlorine/pH
o Not recommended for reporting drinking water results to
regulatory agency.
o See product number: 5870000, Chlorine (Free & Total), Pocket
Colorimeter II Test Kit for low range residual chlorine. USEPA
approved/accepted for drinking water
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